Privacy Policy

Tokyo International Music Market (the “Organizer”) will, under the basic philosophy of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, that is, “personal information should be carefully handled under the vision of respecting the personality of an individual,” recognize appropriate protection of the personal information on users (the “personal information”) as a social responsibility, and handle personal information in accordance with the following policies in order to fulfill its responsibilities.

1. We will comply with the related laws and regulations in handling personal information.
In the event participants acquire personal information through this event, participants shall observe the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations. In particular, if participants give personal information to a third party, participants shall obtain the consent of the person concerned except for the purposes as set forth in Article 2 below, or in any other case expressly specified in this Policy. In the event that any dispute arises between participants and the person concerned regarding such personal information, both parties shall settle such dispute upon mutual consultations and the Organizer shall assume no responsibility whatsoever regarding such dispute.

2. We will acquire and use personal information solely for limited purposes.
Organizer will properly and safely manage the personal information provided by participants, take steps to prevent leaks, loss or damage thereof, thus striving to protect personal information through determination of the handling thereof as follows. Personal information on participants we receive will be used for the following purposes, in order to support mutual businesses with our industry partners, upon participants’ consent to this Privacy Policy.

(1) To post on the "List of Participants" on our official website,
(2) To publish in the "List of Participants" in our official guidebook,
(3) To publish corporate information and product information in various publications distributed at the venue,
(4) To provide participants and projected participants lists to exhibitors and others,
(5) To print the participant's family name, company name, nationality and portrait photo on their ID badge for identification,
(6) To arrange airline tickets, hotel accommodations, visa issue support documents for the entry visas for Japan for participants,
(7) To organize business matching events between exhibitors and participants, 
(8) To introduce participants when participants appear on our official videos or in market reports,
(9) To create PR advertising materials and reports in print, image or web form using photos and images shot by the organizer,
(10) To deliver various services proposals and information and periodical news by telephone, mail, E-mail, etc.,
(11) To study, analyze, and plan products and services provided to participants making use of market research, data analysis, and questionnaires, as well as contacting the participants concerned,
(12) To inform participants of oncoming events, symposiums, or seminars from the organizers and the related events’ organizers, or
(13) To identify participants, to share registered information, and to contact and give information to participants for administration and operation of this event.

3. We will not provide personal information to third parties as a general rule.
We will not disclose or provide personal information provided by participants except for in the following cases:

(1) We will disclose personal information selected as “disclosable” at the time of registration on the “List of Participants” on our official website and in our official guidebook to limited participants who have been assigned IDs and passwords.
(2) We may provide personal information to third parties within a scope that is reasonably necessary for the respective purposes of use as stated in items (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) (9) and (12) of Article 2 above.
(3) In the event that government agencies request disclosure legally, we may provide the personal information to the relevant government agencies. 
Except for in the above-stated cases and in cases where legally permitted, we will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the person concerned.

4. We will exercise thorough safety management of personal information
The Organizer will thoroughly develop internal rules, etc. and take necessary and proper measures for safety management in order to prevent loss, damage, improper disclosure to external parties, or alteration, etc. of personal information. We may outsource some operations for smooth progress of operations and thus provide personal information to outsourcees within the necessary scope, however, in such instance, we will execute agreements on proper handling of personal information with those outsourcees, in addition to supervising so that personal information will be properly handled.

5. We will respond to requests about personal information
The Organizer will strive to manage personal information in the most accurate and up-to-date state.
In addition, when participants request disclosure and correction of their own personal information in our possession, we will disclose and correct it upon confirmation of the fact that the requestor is actually the person concerned. 
When participants request suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to third parties of personal information in our possession on the person concerned, we will suspend use, delete or suspend provision to third parties within a reasonable period and scope upon confirmation of the fact that the requestor is actually the person concerned.

6. Inquiries
For requests for disclosure and correction, suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to third parties of personal information, and any other inquiries about the handling of personal information, please contact
Various data incidental to applications for the exhibition shall be properly protected and managed in accordance with the Tokyo International Music Market Privacy Policy.